Outcome for Usk Communities
A clean river, visibly nature rich river, which is easily accessible and enjoyable to all.
A river to which we feel deeply connected, and those connections are celebrated in the culture and story of our place.
Where through concerted action we have collectively become stewards of our river – taking action to manage flood and drought risks in the way we use water and manage waste in our homes, communities and businesses.
Where we trust and work with service providers to ensure that the best standards are applied and that we take responsibility for our part in making that happen.
- All villages and towns in the catchment have water saving/recycling systems retrofitted
including transforming private and public gardens into rain gardens. - Private waste systems are serviced and functioning without risk of pollution.
- New development happens in a way that is water and nutrient neutral or net positive.
- Only water environment safe products are available to purchase locally (phosphate/pollutant free).
- All people have access to
information about the value of the
river and how they can protect it. - Community members are able to purchase a wide range of local food at affordable prices which has
been produced in a manner that helps sustain and regenerate the catchment for nature and climate
and which generates good quality employment in its production.
Outcome for Usk’s Nature
An environment where nature can thrive unencumbered by human impact.
Where natural resources are managed sustainably and regeneratively by people who value this action for its intrinsic benefit to all.
All actions being undertaken within the Usk provides net benefit towards natures recovery and climate change
This means a nature-based, climate
aware solution first approach to action planning.
- All features for which the Usk is designated as a Special Area of Conservation are in favourable
condition and that favourable condition is maintained in perpetuity. - Nutrient levels within safe limits in accordance with JNCC guidelines.
- Ecosystems are diverse, of appropriate scale to support their functionality, in good condition,
connected and resilient. - Natural processes supported and where necessary assisted to re-establish for future gain (peatland, woodland, soils, floodplains)
Outcome for Usk Land Managers
A resilient network of farming/land
manager clusters, who are celebrated
and rewarded for their sustainable and regenerative practice– who have strong, viable and diverse businesses – and who inspire action in others.
Where we as farmers are recognised (and respected) as custodians of the landscape and feel a pride in ensuring the land in our care is in good ecological health.
A catchment where farmers are known as a community of environmental stewards, who in their action generate clean plentiful water; clean air, sequester carbon and produce good quality wholesome and healthy food, all of which is sold into local markets at a fair price for all.
We support external businesses and finance to go beyond greenwashing, to support natures recovery in a socially just way.
- Each land manager and farm business in the catchment has detailed understanding of the actions needed on farm to improve water quality and quantity, improve biodiversity and sequester carbon and has access to long term financial, advisory and
practical support in implementation. - On farm waste management has been circularised, creating diversified income, eradicating the need for bought in nutrient additives.
- grazing regimes are maximised for water retention and soil quality.
- A catchment scale result-based scheme is operational providing distributed benefits to land managers contributing to the ecological restoration of the Usk Catchment.