The partnership works together to ensure that our shared vision is realised
By 2043 everyone will be able to enjoy a river full of thriving wildlife, sheltered by trees, bordered by a diverse mosaic of thriving habitats where regenerative practices produce high quality food, manage the flows of water whilst storing / managing carbon and in do supporting a sustainable local economy.
At the heart of the Partnership is the core group it is looking at the long term future of the Usk Catchment (at least the next 20 years) to guide a wider partnership to deliver long term solutions in response to the challenges the river faces – transforming land management practices and societal
behaviour to;
a. Improve water quality within the catchment (by reducing levels of phosphorus and other chemical determinants impacting river health from agricultural sources, wastewater treatment discharges, storm overflows, poorly maintained septic tanks, riverbank erosion and other contributing factors).
b. Manage Water Quantity (including the impact of climatic changes and water extraction for the canal, drinking water and agricultural use).
c. Encourage sustainable use of the river (for recreation, well-being, etc.).
d. Improving ecological integrity (improving biodiversity, habitat quality and removing invasive non-native species) and.
e. Adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change (including increased rainfall, movement.