Active Communities

The Active Communities is the first of the partnerships working groups to be established. Its aim is to bring together all those working at grass roots levels to develop a space to share and collaborate ideas, actions and interests towards creating an active network of community groups, working together to love and restore the river. The first meeting was an opportunity to share information about the work already happening. As the group develops its aim
will be to establish a forum for wider community engagement and participation. In particular a space within which the communities of the Usk Catchment can provide their input into the action planning process, and take ownership of delivery of key actions of relevance to community resilience. If you would like to be involved in this working group, or would like to be kept updated of their work please email

Love Our Rivers

September saw the launch of y Bannau’s ‘Love our Rivers’ campaign. A public awareness programme, aimed at inspiring individuals and businesses to pledge their allegiance to the rivers – by promising to love them and make everyday changes that will help improve water quality.

Alongside a checklist of action to inspire individual action, there was also opportunity for individuals to register their interest in the work of the Usk Catchment Partnership. You may be reading this now because you signed up via the pledge (if you did welcome). We hope that those individuals who have found their way to the partnership via this campaign will join the work of the active communities group as it goes forward.

Wider Engagement

Plans for wider stakeholder engagement in the partnership are progressing with three distinct strands emerging;

  • Community engagement – story studio drop in event – this is aimed as an opportunity for the community to provide their stories related to the river, its importance to them, and their hopes for future and gather interest in a more formalised community forum to support the Partnership.
  • Business – online engagement event – to provide an opportunity for businesses and other organisations to register their interest and knowledge of the river e.g. economic value through tourism and recreation.
  • Farmers – On farm learning event – bringing together farmers in catchment with other agencies (WG/NRW/BBNPA) to learn about the issues and opportunities to capitalise on solutions. Intention is that is farmer led.